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Kazuhiro Izui


Kazuhiro Izui

Tel: 075-383-3599 Fax: 075-383-3601
E-mail: izui@me.kyoto-u.ac.jp

  [ Research topics ]
1. Application of design optimization methods at the conceptual design stage
2. Universal design methods for mechanical products
3. Innovative design methods for mechanical systems based on topology optimization
4. Optimization techniques based on evolutionary algorithms

[ Research achievements ]
Dr. Izui's research achievements can be seen here, or at University DB.
Specific Associate Professor Sunghoon Lim


Sunghoon Lim

Tel: 075-383-3603 Fax: 075-383-3601
E-mail: lim.sunghoon.7w@kyoto-u.ac.jp

  [ Research topics ]
1. Development of structural design method, based on the concept of topology optimization
2. High efficiency design of magneto-mechanical devices
3. Development of multi-physics/multi-objective optimization method

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