Kyoto Seisakusho: Next Generation Mechanics and Physics Laboratory

This endowed chair aims to foster young researchers and engineers through research and education in "Mechanics and Physics", particularly one that contributes to the future development of mechanical engineering.
In addition, this endowed chair provides education for promoting the social implementation of research results in the academic and industrial fields of mechanical engineering.

Academic Staff

Professor (Concurrent)


《Principal duty》 Mechanics of Engineering Materials - Solid Mechanics Laboratory
《Contacts》 Room c2S07, Building C3, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3632

Program-Specific Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)


《Cooperation》 Nano System Engineering - Nano/Micro System Engineering
《Research Interests》 - Semiconductor design and fabricating technology (Machining of Si, diamond, SiC, etc.)
- Nano-microstructured materials (nanogaps, nano-resonators, metamaterials, etc.)
- Nano-scale thermal measurement technology (Raman spectroscopy, thermo reflectance, etc.)
《Contacts》 Room c2N05, Building C3, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3693

Program-Specific Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)

Yinli WANG

《Cooperation》 Mechanics of Engineering Materials - Solid Mechanics Laboratory
《Research Interests》 - Evaluation of mechanical properties in nano/micro materials
- Elucidation of physical laws for deformation and fracture in thin films and layered two-dimensional materials
- Development of innovative devices based on electromechanical properties in nano/micro materials
《Contacts》 Room c2N03, Building C3, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3635

Kyoto Seisakusho: Next Generation Science of Synthesis in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

This endowed chair aims to foster young researchers and engineers through research and education in " Science of Synthesis", particularly one that contributes to the future development of mechanical engineering.
In addition, this endowed chair provides education for promoting the social implementation of research results in the academic and industrial fields of mechanical engineering.

Academic Staff

Professor (Concurrent)

Kazuhiro Izui

《Principal duty》 Nonlinear Dynamics and Strength of Structures - Nonlinear Dynamics and Strength of Structures
《Contacts》 Room b2S04, Building C3, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3599

Program-Specific Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)

Jike HAN

《Cooperation》 Nonlinear Dynamics and Strength of Structures - Nonlinear Dynamics and Strength of Structures
《Research Interests》 - Nonlinear optimization problems (topology optimization of finite strain, plasticity, fracture problems)
- Numerical simulation methodologies (FEM, IGA, MPM, etc…)
- Material constitutive modeling (nonlocal approach, multi-physics problem, etc.…)
《Contacts》 Room a2S01, Building C3, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3705

Program-Specific Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)


《Cooperation》 Nano System Engineering - Micro Biosystems
《Research Interests》 - Development and application of liver microphysiological systems
- Development of a vascularized micro liver model capable of transvascular transport of substances and its application to drug screening
- Elucidation of cell-cell interactions in the pathological progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and liver fibrosis
《Contacts》 Room c2N06, Building C3, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3687